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Welcome to ECOFIN!

Hey everyone!

I'm Sherry Guo and I am the head chair of this year's ECOFIN, the 2nd Committee at Berkeley Model United Nations.
I am a fourth year at Berkeley studying Business Administrations and Integrative Biology. I'm originally from Toronto, Canada and in my spare time I love to cook, binge watch TV shows (just started Orphan Black and I'm obsessed), as well as traveling. I apologize for this delayed introduction but I have been backpacking Thailand for the past two weeks and, as a result, didn't have access to a computer (or the Internet in general half the time).

I'm very excited for this year's ECOFIN topics on Currencies on the Black Market as well as the Economic Impact of Refugees and Resettlement. I hope that, after this committee session, you will all be able to effectively engage in debate on international issues, while being respectful of different views and policy approaches. In preparation for the committee, try to brush up on some broad macroeconomic topics, such as exchange rates, monetary policies, and labour force economics, and keep in mind that any solutions or policy proposals should be feasible, timely, fundable, and measurable. I hope that you are all as excited as I am about BMUN and are ready for a fun and engaging weekend!

Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about BMUN, ECOFIN, life at Berkeley, backpacking the world, or even just to say hi! I can be reached at and I would love to hear from you.

Until then, I'll see you all in March at conference!

(PS here's me in Morocco with my friend creepin' up behind me)


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