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Showing posts from January, 2018
Hello Delegates!     Some of you may be veterans of Model UN, and others might be new to the program. Everyone's first Model UN conference can be pretty intimidating, and so I wanted to share with you some debate tips presented by Best Delegate. Feel free to read the article even if you have done Model UN before, because every helpful hint can help you hone your debate skills. The only piece of advice I would add to this list is that everyone should recognize that above all else Model UN is a learning experience, and if you can approach conference with this healthy mentality every conference becomes a success.  Good luck!  --Danielle Tyukody ~ Vice Chair ECOFIN

Position Paper Guidelines

Hello everyone! Just a reminder that position papers are due by February 5th in order for your delegation to be considered for the Best Position Paper Award (or February 12th for any other committee awards)! The grading rubric and guides to writing position papers can be found at  but here is a general overview! Points Breakdown Your position paper will be graded based on five criteria: Past and Current International Action (15%) Here you will discuss any prior actions taken by the international community to address the issues at hand, such as any UN resolutions, NGO actions, and so on. Although some of this information can be found in the topic synopsis, it is best to use other sources and for you to dive more in depth into specific solutions. TIP: If you are referencing a UN resolution, it helps to provide a brief overview of the resolution rather than simply listing the resolution number! Country's Position (25%) This...

Hello Delegates!

Hello Everyone, My name is Zishen Liu. I am a sophomore at UC Berkeley majoring in Mathematics and Economics, and I am an international student from Xuzhou, China.  This is my fifth year of being involved in Model United Nations. As an Economics student, I have a strong passion for how macroeconomics and public policies can affect us individually and this world as a whole. Model United Nations definitely provides me an opportunity to explore these relationships and to listen to other people's thoughts on interesting Econ-related political issues.  Outside of the MUN. I love to try different foods and to travel during my free time. I also like to learn different languages. I am currently learning German, Cantonese and Japanese. I would be more than happy to learn some words from you if you can speak another language. I'll see you all in March at conference!

Welcome to ECOFIN!

Hey everyone! I'm Sherry Guo and I am the head chair of this year's ECOFIN, the 2nd Committee at Berkeley Model United Nations. I am a fourth year at Berkeley studying Business Administrations and Integrative Biology. I'm originally from Toronto, Canada and in my spare time I love to cook, binge watch TV shows (just started Orphan Black and I'm obsessed), as well as traveling. I apologize for this delayed introduction but I have been backpacking Thailand for the past two weeks and, as a result, didn't have access to a computer (or the Internet in general half the time). I'm very excited for this year's ECOFIN topics on Currencies on the Black Market as well as the Economic Impact of Refugees and Resettlement. I hope that, after this committee session, you will all be able to effectively engage in debate on international issues, while being respectful of different views and policy approaches. In preparation for the committee, try to brush up on some broa...

Hello and Happy New Year!

Hello! My name is Danielle Tyukody and I am a freshman at UC Berkeley. I am a Political Science major, with a specialization in American Politics, and an Education minor. My hometown is Manhattan Beach, California --a beach town near LA. My passions include rock climbing, horseback riding, and binge-watching. I am a member of the Cal Climbing Team, and have enjoyed rock climbing and competing in Berkeley. I have also successfully started and caught up with all of Brooklyn 99, Rick and Morty, and Black Mirror (we live in a golden age of television). I have been participating in Model UN since my freshman year of high school, and the program has had a major impact on my life. BMUN caught my eye when I came to Cal because I knew the group would be a close-knit, intelligent, and hilarious family. In reality, BMUN is all that and more. In committee, I encourage you all to focus on the experience of debate and participate to the best of your ability, because your years participating ...